New Fall Needle Case Pattern
Yellow Spider Mum Needle
Case or Amulet Bag
This pattern is for delica
beads. To make the needle case, pick up 36 beads, the first two rows
and tie the tightly around the needle case. Follow the the pattern
till you reach the empty rows, finish off the the beadwork by weaving your
thread tail in. Then repeat for the needle case lid. Excellent
instructions for even count tubular peyote can be found at:
Cooper's Jump Start Class Room
For the flat round peyote
top and bottom the instructions can be found at:
Hawley's Flat Round Peyote
To turn this needle case
pattern into an amulet bag. Double the bead count from 36 beads to
72 and ignore the empty beads (the beads marked "E"). Add a strap
and fringe.
If you have any questions please email me.